A people trap, set by a mouse

il_570xn-901988439_7nfgPre-party #24

I know, I know.. It’s only been just over a week since I posted something about a kingdom of fun. Fact is though, we visited last week to unwind, have some fun and enjoy the unbridled kind of immature fun. Much needed.
And celebrate the park’s 24th birthday of course! Nice remarks too, folks on the socials even asking us if we actually live in a Disney park now. Come on guys, it’s only once (or sometimes twice…guilty) a year 😉 So what!

The 25th birthday

Next year, we’ ll be there as well for the 25th birthday, seeing all the preparations on the way in the park at the moment.
They’re doing everything to make the park look at it’s absolute best next year. This can only mean a repeat visit to once again, a great celebration. If it’s anything like the 15th year of age, it’s gonna be worth it and we I would definately recommend a visit!


Ah well, I thought it would be nice to dump some photo’s from my phone. Yes phone, since I didn’t bring my camera.
I regret that, since it would have offered far better quality and the atmosphere and light conditions were great. But you’ll have to believe me that I enjoyed it not looking through a viewfinder all the time 🙂
Not that my phone is all that bad, a wise man once told me that the best camera is the one you have on you. Can’t complain too much with the Note4 with Sony IMX240 sensor (beware, nerdy links).

Think I’ll bring the ol’ Sony Alpha6K for our next trip to the birthday boy/girl though..

The gallery

Video at the bottom for your pleasure 🙂

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