Facebook and other anti-social networks II

In the previous post, Facebook and other anti-social networks, I’ve proclaimed to not use social media for a month. The point is to see what I actually missed and draw some kind of conclusion. My expectations where receiving summary mails and missing out on some stuff in real life since people already shared it on a social network. Far less for…

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Facebook and other anti-social networks – update

Just a quick update on how it’ s going with the social notworking, I’ve been socially akward (virtual 😉 )now for almost two weeks. Almost halftime scores 12 Facebook 2 Twitter 1 Instagram 1 Pinterest mail 0 Google Plus   Daily harrasment Basically, Facebook chimes in every day on average, while other networks are far less aggressive.  The one being quiet by…

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Facebook and other anti-social networks

I am pretty much wired to any social network available and try to keep as much as I can. I even share some stuff once in a while, especially on Facebook. But lately I get the feeling that a couple of social networks just don’t contribute to my expectations like they used to. I’ve found that Facebook is the prime…

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